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Reconnect in nature

Reconnect to the natural elements ánd to yourself 🌊🌳🌪🔥

When I am outside, in nature, I feel at peace, calm, fulfilled, balanced, and connected. By connecting to the natural elements surrounding me - fire, earth, air, and water - I am connecting to myself. As I am made up of these same elements, and so are you and everyone and everything on earth.

Going out into nature feels like pressing the reset button of my system, and I am leaped into the present moment and my true being, feeling at one with the universe and all beings inhabiting it. It’s liberating, invigorating, and comforting at the same time.

There are so many benefits that being in nature has on our bodies, on all parts of our being. Of which one is the ability to reconnect us to ourselves, on a deep and meaningful level. One “theory” or “science” that made me especially aware of it and explained this, is called “forest bathing” or Shinrin Yoku in Japanese. Search it up if you’re interested in how nature, and especially trees and forests, can reduce stress and anxiety and make us feel peaceful and whole.

How does being in nature affect your well-being? Let me know in the comments! 🌿

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