
Sedna Herstelacademie
“Recovery is the process of rebuilding your well-being, stability, and sense of empowerment after facing challenges such as mental health issues, addiction, or trauma. It involves harnessing your strengths, finding purpose in life, and developing healthy coping strategies.”
About Sedna Recovery Academy
Sedna Herstelacademie offers a safe and supportive place to recover and reconnect with yourself.
Explore who you are, find balance, and discover your own path in life.
We are a non-profit organisation based in Groningen, The Netherlands. We offer 1-on-1 peer support and group sessions, workshops, courses and trainings to support your on your recovery journey. You can find activities with mindfulness, dance and other movement, theater, creativity, EFT, and more.
You can find all information and events on our website (in Dutch):
For Young Adults (in English):
Mindful Moment (English spoken)
Tune in for a mindful moment with yourself.
In a small group, we practice noticing without judgment and with unconditional love and presence. We give our minds a break, we give our nervous system a break, and we give ourselves a — perhaps much-needed — break from doing and performing. Instead, we allow ourselves to simply be.
Recovery Cafe for Young Adults (Dutch & English)
Drop by during the weekly walk-in moment!
Visit the Recovery Cafe in Groningen, a welcoming and safe space for young adults aged 18 to 30. Get to know Sedna Recovery Academy and various recovery-oriented activities, share your experiences, work on your personal growth, and enjoy meaningful moments together.
Women Support Group (Dutch spoken)
Lieve, mooie, krachtige vrouw, ik nodig je uit om samen te komen. Als vrouwen onder elkaar. Een veilige plek waar je gezien, gehoord en gedragen mag worden door andere vrouwen. Wanneer vrouwen samen komen in een cirkel, gebeurt er iets bijzonders. Er ontstaat ruimte voor heling en herstel, voor vrouwelijke kwetsbaarheid en vrouwelijke kracht, voor zachtheid en onvoorwaardelijke liefde. Door weer contact te maken met de vrouwelijkheid in jezelf, creëer je weer balans in jezelf en daarmee ook in de wereld.
Sedna Herstelacademie offers a variety of activities (for free or on donation). You can join workshops, courses and trainings in e.g. mindfulness, theater, dance, singing, EFT, creativity, and more.
Here I have listed the activities that I organize and facilitate. On the webstie you can find the other activities. www.sednaherstelacademie.nl