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In and Through the Pain

Today is telling me to go into the pain, to feel, to see, to hear, to accept and to reassure the inner child feeling the pain that it’s okay and that she can let go of the pain now. It’s an old wound that doesn’t serve me anymore. I wrap her in a blanket of love.

I have a habit of turning my back to pain, I call it optimism, but that only gets you so far. To really transform the pain and the fear into something beautiful, into light and love, you have to go through it. You have to see, want to see and feel it, and surrender to it. Resistance, above anything, is what is causing most of the agony. Resisting the pain, that has become part of you, is resisting yourself, your true being. To connect to yourself more deeply, one has to stop the resistance and surrender to what is inside. Only then the light can enter.

You can visualize this: bring you awareness to the pain point in your body and visualize stepping into it, into what may be dark and painful. Holding a flashlight, shine the light around you. Look around, what do you see? Keep walking. Keep seeing, feeling, perceiving and shining your light on it. Say “I see you, I feel you, I accept you. It’s okay now, it’s safe now, you can let in the light and let go of the pain.” Wrap the pain in a blanket of love and light. Keep walking, shining your (flash)light everywhere until all has become light. Until you’ve reached the end of the tunnel. And you are one step closer to who you truly are.

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